The National Epics With Especial Attention to the Kalevala

The National Epics With Especial Attention to the Kalevala - CoverA Lecture given by
Rudolf Steiner
Helsingfors, April 9, 1912
GA 136

On-line since: 8th August, 2012

Schmidt Number: S-2572

Read it, here:

The following lecture was given by Rudolf Steiner at Helsingfors on the 9th of April, 1912. It is a previously unpublished, typewritten transcription of a lecture that is included in both GA 136 and 158.

In GA 136, it is lecture 7 of 14 in the series entitled, The Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature, published in German as, Die Geistige Wesenheiten in den Himmelskoerpern und Naturreichen.

In GA 158, it is the 2nd of 12 lectures in the series, The Human’s Connection with the Elemental World, published in German as, Der Zusammenhang des Menschen mit der Elementarischen Welt. Kalewala. Olaf Asteson. Das russische Volkstum. Die Welt als Ergebnis von Gleichgewichtswirkungen. It has London reference number SL-7.

This lecture was translated from shorthand reports, unrevised by the lecturer, by an unknown translator. And, it was transcribed by an unknown typist! It is presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.

This e.Text edition is provided through the wonderful work of:
Various e.Text Transcribers

Four Seasons and the Archangels

Four Seasons and the Archangels - CoverExperience of the Course of the Year in Four Cosmic Imaginations
By Rudolf Steiner

Translated by C. Davy and D.S. Osmond
GA 229

On-line since: 31st July, 2012

Read it, here:

These lectures contain profound descriptions of the experience of the year in four Cosmic Imaginations. The activities of four mighty Archangels are described: Michael in autumn at Michaelmas, Gabriel in winter at Christmas, Raphael in spring at Easter, and Uriel in summer at St. John’s Tide. These Imaginations provide material for endless meditative study. Included are 5 color plates of Steiner’s blackboard drawings.

These five lectures were given by Rudolf Steiner at Dornach in October of 1923. The are from the lecture series entitled, The Close Experiencing of the Running of the Year in Four Cosmic Immaginations published in German as, Das Miterleben des Jahreslaufes in Vier Kosmischen Imaginationen. (vol. 229 in the Bibliographic Survey).

This volume is presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.

Copyright © 1968
This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of:
The Rudolf Steiner Press

About Horses That Can Count and Calculate (Lectures Section)

In the Lectures Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive: About Horses That Can Count and Calculate, by Rudolf Steiner.

The Fifth Gospel (DSO Translation) (Lectures Section)

After a shattering struggle to arrive at the truth, Steiner presents here the findings of spiritual research regarding the life of Jesus before the Baptism and the life of Christ after the Baptism. Among the scenes described are Jesus in the Essene community, the conversation between Jesus and Mary before the Baptism, Jesus discovering the reverse Lord’s Prayer, and the temptation of Christ after the Baptism.

Aus der Akasha-Forschung. Das Fuenfte Evangelium (Lectures Section)

In seinen Vortragsreihen über die vier Evangelien gab Rudolf Steiner seinen Zuhörern tiefe Einblicke in den spirituellen Gehalt dieser Offenbarungsinhalte. Im Verlaufe dieser Vortragstätigkeit kam es auch zu Darstellungen von geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschungsergebnissen über das eigentliche geschichtliche Leben des Jesus von Nazareth bis zur Jordantaufe. Diese Forschungsergebnisse bezeichnete Rudolf Steiner als «Fünftes Evangelium», oder auch als «Evangelium der Erkenntnis». Zu den hauptsächlichsten Motiven der Vorträge gehören: Kindheits-und Jugenderlebnisse des Jesus von Nazareth — Seine tiefen Erkenntnisleiden am Versiegen der alten großen Geistesströmungen — Die Offenbarung des makrokosmischen Vaterunser — Die Beziehung zu den Essäern und zu Johannes dem Täufer — Erlebnisse auf dem Gang zur Jordantaufe.

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The Rudolf Steiner Archive is our gift to Anthroposophy, the world-wide Anthroposophical Movement in general, and to the Spiritual Community of Man. Here, we offer summaries of Rudolf Steiner’s books translated from the original German to English, a catalogue of Steiner’s holdings, a chronological listing of Steiner’s lectures (over 6000), and most of his books, in German and English, and hundreds of lectures, articles and essays for interested readers to contemplate. If nothing else, the topics covered should make you think — and that is good. This is an ongoing project — there will always be new information presented here. We welcome you to an adventure in Spiritual Science.