Memories of Rudolf Steiner

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In the year nineteen hundred and two, Rudolf Steiner made the following statement.

He said, “The person who understands the sign of the times, that person cannot avoid coming to the realization that we stand in front of a new spiritual epoch.

That a new turning point prepares itself, which is just as important and significant as it was at the time of Augustine, or as it was round about the 16th century.

A turning point. A change in which Germany is called upon to do something quite special and great. And science has had the most significant task in relationship to materialism.

Only hand-in-hand with German sons. Are we able to work in the correct way.” And Steiner later on indicated that, as it were, the Anthroposophical Society in its first phase, had to undergo a kind of embryonic life within the Theosophical Society.

Within this first phase, Anthroposophy had to fulfill its first task. Its first task was to confront the traditional ancient, Oriental wisdom with the spirituality of Western civilization, which had the mystery of Golgotha at its center point. His first lecture to the Theosophical society, he wanted to develop what he called practical karma exercises. He wanted to confront the traditional Orientalism of the theosophist with a new creativity.

That concept of soul migration, which precedes out of the cloudy fisherwoman aspect of the pre-Ego period.

He wanted to confront that with something which went completely out of a perception of the free Ego.

He wanted to talk about the reincarnation of the human spirit, as opposed to the soul migration of the Orientals. He wanted to do this not in a theoretical way, but through describing concrete historical examples.

This was supposed to speak, Rudolf Steiner Western occultism, by the revelation of concrete historical mysteries and secrets, quite removed from the passive lack of historicity acquainted with the east. Even a certain resistances to this, and so he could not really do what he wanted to do under the theme of practical karma exercises.

Nevertheless, in the year nineteen twenty four, after the foundation stone meeting, he crowned his life work with the fullness of his karma lectures.

And when he started that, he attached what he was doing in 1924 to what he had in his mind on that evening of the 20th of October, nineteen hundred and two.

And do what you couldn’t fulfill.

And in 1924, he indicated that now with the new Esoteric feature, which entered into the Anthroposophical Society after the Foundation Stone meeting, now he could completely put into a realisation that which he could not have done

twenty two years ago, the course of the resistance’s at that time. On the 16th of April, 1924

in Bern, he mentioned that at that time, in the German section of the Theosophical Society, there were more of the old members who began to be very, very excited, and they began to shudder

at the thought that I would begin my work in such an esoteric way as to talk about concrete karmic relationships.

They weren’t ready for it. And so relationships made it necessity that I had to speak in a much more exoteric way than I intended to do. In the Theosophical magazine, Vahan, there was a report of a lecture which Rudolf Steiner gave on Sunday the 18th of October, nineteen hundred and three at 5:30 in the afternoon.

And they quoted and they said that in this lecture, Dr. Steiner tied his concrete karmic revelations to the revelations of H.P. Blavatski and they quote, Rudolf Steiner’s lecture.

They say the following, Rudolf Steiner said, “in the spiritual, we find the domain where the events of history first arise. Here in the spiritual, we have to look for the true cause of everything that occurs upon the earth. Here, the leading personalities of history, perceive their impulses and advice from the great and invisible leaders of mankind.”

Certainly when we research those intentions, which inspired the actions in history, are we able to understand those facts of history which are so often unexplainable?

Thus, for example, in the 15th century, there lived a Cardinal Nicholas of Cusanos who had deep scientific insights. Long before Copernicus, he had recognized the double movement of the Earth and taught it.

This was a kind of preparation to that which Copernicus was born in fourteen seventy three, in part to a generation who was much more filled with insight. The occult researcher Lenz,

that he can agree with what H.P. Blavatsky openly stated in her third volume of the secret doctrine, namely that Copernicus was no one other than the reincarnated Cardinal Cusa. And then the report continues that the speaker, Rudolf Steiner, gave two furtive examples.

Again, in a lecture on the 12th of August 1924, Dr. Steiner, referring to the fact that the effect of the prescription was preceded by certain demonic powers who were fighting against these demonic powers who were under the automatic influence while fighting against that which the Archangel Michael wanted entered the world. That time, whenever I wanted to express myself on these questions, it is as if the enemy of Michael came along and kept my mouth shut.

However, since a subsequent time, I can now speak about these things,

without any hesitation, The situation now is that those demons have to keep silent. Those demons which previously prevented me from expressing these esoteric things.”

And quotation.

Another interesting thing is that Rudolf Rissman reports about the fact that Dr. Steiner, in the year 1905 on or about year 1905 visited his father’s house, and in the study room of his Father that there was an old bust of Hegel, which Dr. Steiner wanted to see. And this man asked the question, does that not mean that perhaps Dr. Steiner had destiny connections to Hegel. And he says refer to the lecture by Carl Koenig entitled Twenty Seventh of February 1861 as a World Historical Date, published in the MIT Theisland Gold number twenty seven. Rudolph Rissan continued use it in those years, my mother had a very interesting chat about Casper Houser. Her parents were very strongly connected with Professor Douma, all whom Rudolf Steiner mentioned in the cycle the apocalypse when he said the Professor Dolma who cannot be too highly treasured. Several years previously, Dr. Steiner said to my mother, that Casper Houser was a a straggler from Atlantis.

Now, here’s a rather interesting report from Georg Hartman.

Georg Hartman reports that there was a questionaire, which came over about 100 years ago from the Anglo Saxon lands to Central Europe. In Germany, this questionnaire was then printed and was spread about in many circles of societies and from many personalities. Then came the answers. Most of these answers are forgotten. Now Rudolf Steiner was not a spoiler of

games. And then on the 8th of February 1892 in Weimar, he was presented with this questionnaire.

Probably was in the circle of those artists, the Nickleby people who gathered together with Hans Oden. Steiner gave the answers with a solid hand. The head of this questionnaire was the motto.

God, please. The free human being.

Question What is your most admired quality in a man? Answer energy. Next question. What is your most Agwai admired quality in a woman?

Beauty. What is your most preferred occupation?

Answer in one minute. A mean meditation, reflection, using brooding, pondering, contemplating Zen and Minin means using and loving.

What is your idea of happiness again? Denounces Vinen and linen musing and loving things that you see.

You see from this little Steinar. God bless him when he was twenty one. Wasn’t averse to a loving of the side that.

To know that what occupation appears to you could be the best. Every a book, one good who groomed began with energy. Contrast like this could mean two things.

One, it could me ruin myself with energy. The other could be to get the bottom up with energy. I don’t know what 20 means here. OK. Next question. Who would like to have been, if not yourself? Answer Friedrich Nietzsche. Before his. Bounds in for his insanity. Where would you like to live?

Well, that is the answer.

That’s indifferent to me when you most like to have live in times where something is to be done. What is your idea of unhappiness?

Not to know what to do. What is your main character feature? Answer that, I also don’t know. Who is your preferred writer?

Nietzsche, Hartmann, Hegel.

Who’s your preferred painter and sculptor?

Raul Michelangelo, who is your preferred composer, Beethoven.

What is your favorite color and flower? Violet.

Meadow saffron. Who is your heroes in history.

Attila, Napoleon the first, Caesar.

Who are your favorite heroines in history? Catherine of Russia? Who are your favorite characters in poetry? Prometheus.

What are your most favorite names?

What are your favorite names, levering snowmen.

And then he’s afraid the group brings sexual pets, whatever it might be. Yeah, I notice a lot of good. He says, let the women decide. What historical characters can you not bear? Answer, the weak ones?

What failings would you first excuse. Answer, all failings when I have understood them.

What are your insurmountable aversions? Dan, three and then three and defense four order.

What are you most fearful of? Answer, of punctuality? What are your favorite foods and drink? To roost. And called not black coffee.

Your temperament, what’s your temperament handle?

He did have some answers. Changeability under Buchheit. Inconstancy just — we, who got started answering his designating zone temperament as he is inconstancy.

Georg Cottman continues if one observes, thinks about the answers, Rudolf Steiner.

So you see that some of the questions are answered earnestly. Others are the fine sense of humor and get others with the fake mockery.

Let’s consider some of the answers, but the idea of happiness coincide with one’s favored occupation.

And then this favored occupation occurs in the pendulum swing between thinking and willing that the formulation of this answer would answer is taken over from the title of the complete poems of Robert Hamelin named Women and Men.

That means thinking and loving, and that this formulation of Rudolf Steiner has been lifted up to a fundamental maxim of the first human being to the life in the love, to action and to polluting, to live in the understanding of some or some other person’s will.

That reveals how a word of the poet can be ennobled out of a higher consciousness and can further be expanded.

In reference to another answer, Rudolf Steiner, who could deny that taken in the main, the most unfortunate thing is for a person who does not know what to do. Then, you have a negation of the polarity of so forces of thinking and willing, Rudolf Steiner was asked about his main character feature. He says. That’s what I don’t know. I thought this question is, is rejected because a human being who leads him, so he leads his life out of the forces of his ego. He possesses no main character feature.

Hence, perhaps that’s why the question of his temperament was answered with the designation of one of the four temperaments.

No, it’s not on that he wanted the designation of one of the four temperaments.

But he answered through with the statement of inconstancy. The character features and the temperaments together are connected with the working together of the astral and etheric bodies.

The person who forms the spirit-self, and the life spirit out of the ego for that person,

the question of character feature and temperament is meaningless. It’s not without significance. The question. Whom would you rather be if not yourself?

That is a question which has no really value of the answer to all. I want to try to possibly hypothetically imagine something which is impossible.

However, the answer given by the spiritual researcher who was taken over in freedom is the task of a leadership for mankind.

Friedrich Nietzsche you would have if the adversary forces hadn’t beaten down with insanity.

He had the possibility of leading over the philisophical natural scientific orientated thinking into a spiritual science.

And so. Stein His answer is a point. He points to a world destinee situation.

And then about the question of your favorite name. You read in Chapter 7 The Rudolf Steiner’s The Course of His Life, where he speaks of a person who had a very beautiful friendship relation to him. And that person had the name of Robert Rubin, the father at the age of Rambo’s shattering answers in its magnitude is that the fruit of Rudolf Steiner? Answer to the question when it said What? What failing would you first excuse?

He answers all failings when I have understood that this is the answer of a free human being and it contains again the demand to be able to understand some other person’s will.

Where this will is not illuminated and directed by a free grass motiff. But where a dry needs and desires and passions lead the person to action.

So also, as the motto over this questionnaire, there should stand the powerful word that points the human being to his task in the evolution of the cosmic all. Where the old Cosmos dies away, There must be formed upon the earth through the human being,

The seed for a new cosmos.

Out of the free impulses of the human soul, that grows a future world order.

And in the highest reverence of the divine powers of primal origin,

the new germinal seed word of the future should be.

in place of God, the free human being and the questionable Rudolf Steiner answered in 1892, February the 8th, and Georg Hartmann’s comments on it.

Now we have some of the personal communications by Marguerita Voloshin. She reports. I was once with the doctor.

We drank coffee. He spoke of Russia. He said “the Russians live above the physical plane. The Dutchman lives beneath the physical plane, the French and Englishman lives directly upon the physical plane. In the case of the Germans, there is a transition to the Russians. Russia and the Buddhist theosophy is like fire and water.”

Now, Marguerita Voloshin says that when I told Dr. Steiner of my striving to follow the two streams, the male and the female in mankind, he nodded in an affirming way with his head.

Then he asked that I should give him examples in the realm of art. I named Michaelangelo as representative of the males stream, and Rafael as representative of the Female Stream. It is correct. He said Michaelangelo would have still been able to continue in a long life to create more and more new things. Rafael, however, had to die early. He had exhausted himself in the most complete form.

I suggest you proceed in your work from the Sphinx. The Sphinx has not yet been understood by anybody. The Sphinx stands at the beginning of human evolution at the threshold before the descent of man into the world of matter.

The initiated saw in the Sphinx the image of the androgynous man, the man in whom the physical astral has the preponderance over the etheric. The lion man with whom the etheric astral has the preponderance over the physical and the eagle man in whom the astral has the preponderance of the physical and ethetic. These three kinds of beings are united to the Sphinx, and the figure of the spiritual man reveals itself in the head.

That’s what Steiner said. I asked him.

And the other threshold at the threshold of the ascent. Does this stand the archangel? If the spheres of the Sphinx stands at one end at the descent descending point of evolution, does the archangel stand at the other threshold of the special of the essence? Rudolf Steiner answers, indeed, yes.

The archangel is also androgynous.

The decadent form of the Sphinx is the mid-day woman who appears to the human being in a mid-day sleep when the human being receives a faint sunstroke and because of that comes out of himself.

Also, the midday woman presses presents the question to disperse appeared. However, the correct sphynx. The Sphinx must fall down if it’s

image is brought towards it. And the Sphinx falls down into the soul of a human being as a soul riddle. In the archangel there lives the principle of the life spirit which has not yet incarnated itself upon the earth. In Tolstoy, there lived the life spirit. In an indication. In occultism, Buddhi life spirit is symbolized through the image of a horse.

The horse with the lifted up horse and with the sunk down horse.

When the horse stands with all four legs upon the earth, that means that buddhi has been completely developed. Dr. Steiner drew with his pencil, a small horse, and underneath that he wrote Kalink.

That’s how it’s called Sanskritcould, he said.

On the piece of paper which he gave to me, there was also a Pentagon and Rudolf Steiner said this form man must learn to love, man must learn to love this form of the Pentagon.

And now about Tolstoy, he said,

The fourth aspect, Tolstoi is rather weak, quite often foolish.

Even his novels I don’t particularly value, however, that which he, for example, expresses in his book about life.

They are truths which are worth everything which can be found, which are much, much more superior than anything else, which can be found in the libraries of the world.

In the case of Menasche, miniature golf ski with modest miniature golf ski, everything in him is permeated by the Western analytical intellect.

Rudolf Steiner also spoke about a Swedish sculptor who had his studio near Gutenberg.

He said It’s quite interesting what he sculpts. He wants to model the forms corresponding to the seven planets and later on present them in granite.

They are not at all naturalistic. There is already something correct in it. I suggest you visit this on your way back.

Margaret Walsh reports about a conversation she had with Steiner in Dusseldorf on the 21st of April 1909.

She asked him a question and Rudolf Steiner said to her, Christ did not institute any mysteries. What he did, He renewed the ancient mysteries.

A confession, the marriage contract. Are they not mysteries? He answers, They are no mysteries. They are sacraments. And she asks. What do you call the sacraments with us? One calls at the Mysterium.

I do understand it after the sacrament is an action on the physical plane which corresponds to a spiritual reality.

And the mysterium that you can’t explain.

You have to experience it with initiation of what kinds of mysteries are contained in the Orthodox Church.


In the Orthodox Church are mysteries, but different mysteries. Question then, does it not exist? Does that exist in the world?

Only one mysterium. Answer. Indeed. Yes.

Yes, but the shadow refractions, all this mysterium upon the earth can be different and can more or less correspond to reality in the divine service of the Greek Catholic Church. Elements of the Egyptian mysteries out of the time of the decline. And also they entered into the divine service of the Greek Catholic Church. Elements entered from the Mithras mysteries.

Now, Margueritta said, I have participated, really participated in the search for several part.

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