Human Questions and Cosmic Answers (Lectures Section)

Human Questions and Cosmic Answers, four lectures given at Dornach, Switzerland, 25th June – 2nd July, 1922. Published in German as: MENSCHENFRAGEN UND WELTANTWORTEN.
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Origins of Natural Science (Lectures Section)

These lectures trace the subtle changes in people’s ideas and feelings in connection with the development of natural science. Through this, Steiner shows the significance of scientific research and the mode of thinking that goes with it. As we look at … Continue reading

Goethe, Comte and Bentham

Goethe, Comte and Bentham By Rudolf Steiner The translator is Unknown GA 184 Schmidt Number: S-3555 On-line since: 8th December, 2012 This lecture is the second of fifteen lectures in the series entitled, The Polarity of Continuity and Change in Human Life. The Cosmic Prehistory of Humanity, published in German… Continue reading