The Mysteries of the East and of Christianity (Lectures Section)

Steiner gives a sketch of the evolution of the Mysteries from ancient Persia, through Egypt and Greece, to the Christian Era and the present day with the modern initiation of the Holy Grail.
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The Threefold Order of the Body Social – Study Series II

The Threefold Order of the Body Social – Study Series II Two Addresses given by Dr. Steiner at Study Evenings in the Year 1920 By Rudolf Steiner Translation by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood Stuttgart, GA 337 and GA 335 In the social ferment of postwar Europe in 1919, Steiner presented his ideas… Continue reading

The Mysteries (Die Geheimnisse)

The Mysteries (Die Geheimnisse) A Christmas and Easter Poem by Goethe Lecture by Rudolf Steiner Cologne, December 25, 1907 GA 98 This lecture was given at Cologne, Germany on Christmas day in 1918, and is included in Volume 98 of the Bibliographic Survey, 1961. It is lecture 7 of 18… Continue reading